I Will Survive - Wild Postings

Hito Steyerl Retrospective

(Student Work)

Original artwork derived from Hito Steyerl.

I designed a series of 4 posters that exist as one series, while also including a way to drive the viewer from the poster to an online discussion.

  1. Spread awareness about the exhibit / artist
  2. Consider how separate panels can combine to form one unified piece of graphic design
  3. Get the viewer from the physical space to an online destination

Hito Steyerl’s newest exhibition, I Will Survive, was featured at Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen in Düsseldorf, Germany.

It is a comprehensive exhibition of her early and recent works, consisting mainly of digital multimedia. She uses a variety of webcam footage, drones, artificial intellegence, and augmented reality to articulate our social roles and inequities in the digital age.

Her works critically analyze the power of technology and the relationship it has with our society, politics, and consciousness. In the “digital revolution”, what is truly our reality? Are people hidden by too many images?...Do we become the images? How do we not be seen by cameras in world full of cameras?
